A presentation consists of
- a sense opener (5 minutes)
- a lecture about the background and the aims
(20 minutes) - the film (60 minutes)
- workshop (30 minutes)
- reflection (20 minutes)
TO-GATHER TOUR 2006-2017
2006 Workshop on the CiCe Conference, Montpellier, France
Seminar ETTP, Anjers, France
2007 Workshop on the CiCe Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
Seminar ETTP, Dublin, Ireland
2008 Workshop and performance Audiofeel, Torhout and Diksmuide
CiCe Conference, Malmö, Sweden
2009 Workshop on the CiCe Conference, Barcelona, Spain
Presentation at Harvard, Cambridge, USA
The preparing of the film in Zonnebeke and Kortrijk, Belgium
Presentation at the EMUNI conference, Sousse, Tunesia
To-Gather Festival Den Bosch The Netherlands
2010 Workshop on the CiCe Conference, Dublin, Ireland
To-Gather Festival Liverpool, England
Workshop, IAU in Damascus, Syria
The making of the film, Passchendale, Belgium
To-Gather Festival Haslev, Denmark
2011 Workshop on the CiCe Conference, York, England
To-Gather Festival Istanbul
To-Gather Festival Jurmala, Latvia
The making of the film, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
To-Gather Festival Presov, Slowakia
Workshop, IAU in Damascus, Syria
2012 To-Gather Festival, Coimbra, Portugal
Workshop on the CiCe Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
The making of the film, Riga, Latvia
The making of the film, Istanbul, Turkey
Visiting the performance of REM, Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Presentation of the film at Harvard, Cambridge, USA
2013 Workshop ‘The War thet never ended’, Kortrijk, Belgium
Workshop VGN-conference, Vugt, The Netherlands
Visiting the conference ‘Philosophy’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting the performance of Interpol, HMH, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Workshop ‘ World War One’, Beirut, Lebanon
Presentation, Istanbul, Turkey
2014 Presentation, Roskilde, Denmark
Presentation, Jurmala, Latvia
Visiting Nexus Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2015 Presentation VIVES Kortrijk and Bruges, Belgium
Workshop Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting the performance of Black Sabbath, Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting Pinkpop, Landgraaf, The Netherlands
Visiting the Socrates-Lecture, De Rode Hoed, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting Nexus Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2016 Presentation Arcus, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Workshop at conference EUROCLIO, Helsingor, Denmark
Visiting the conference ‘Europe’, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting the performance of The Cure, Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2017 Presentation ‘So What’, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Visiting the performance of Green Day, Ziggo Dome, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Visiting the conference ‘Didactics’, Hilversum, The Netherlands
Presentation Leeuwenborg, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Workshop on the CiCea Conference, Bruges, Belgium
Workshop at conference EUROCLIO, San Sebastian, Spain
Workshop on the conference ‘Remembrance’, Jurmala, Latvia
Workshop on the Conference of the Council of Europe, Straatsburg, France
Presentation ‘Walk of Life’, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Presentation ‘Pinkbook’, Westerbroek, The Netherlands